Need to call someone in the port of Civitavecchia? This table gives you Harbour useful numbers
Civitavecchia Port useful numbers
In this list we have collected some phone numbers of the Port of Civitavecchia, you may find useful.
The prefix for calling outside Italy is: 0039
- Civitavecchia Port Authority/Harbour Master’s Office: +39 0766 366 201 – +39 0766 366401
- Coast Guard Sea Emergencies Mare: +39 1530
- Info Point Varco Vespucci: +39 0766 036807
- Civitavecchia Train Station, phone number: +39 0766 24975
- Parking Facilities Civitavecchia Port
- Luggage Storage Port of Civitavecchia
- Civitavecchia Hospital: +39 0766 5911
- First Aid Station: +39 118
- Carabineers (Carabinieri): +39 112
- Police: +39 113
- Fire Department: +39 115
- Info Rome: +39 060606
- Info Rome Traffic – Free Number (ANAS): +39 800 841 148
Need a car transfer from or to the Port? Need a taxi authorized to arrive under the ship? Need a transportation from or to the Rome airport?